Back To Soccer Update

August 3rd, 2020 by admin

Hello Parents & Players, 

Like you, AUFC Timbers Thorns has been hopeful that circumstances would permit the State to allow us to resume operations in some fashion.  And while we are disappointed that the current public health order does not permit us to participate in practice sessions and related activities, we understand from NMYSA, our governing association, that we may be able to return to active operations at some point in August.  We are very much looking forward to the day when we can do what we do best:  develop our members into confident and fierce competitors.

We are aware that others in the soccer community are offering training opportunities notwithstanding the restrictions set forth in the public health order. To clear up any confusion caused by the inconsistency in AUFC Timbers Thorns’ understanding of the public health order and the apparent active operations of others, we have consulted with New Mexico Youth Soccer Association.  We have learned that NONE of those activities by others in the soccer community are sanctioned by NMYSA.   We will not allow the conduct of others to cause us to stray from the most important consideration:  the health and safety of our players, coaches and families.  AUFC Timbers Thorns has always believed that following orders from the State of New Mexico, USYS, and NMYSA is the best way to safeguard the wellbeing of our members and coaches.  Members of our staff have been working diligently with NMYSA and other organizations toward the goal of safely returning to the pitch.

Moving forward, we want you to know that we will continue to honor our commitment to you to not charge any registration fees until we know for sure that the State will permit us to resume operations. However, please anticipate that we will ask you to immediately pay registration fees once the State lifts the restriction. As always, all payment plans and scholarships will be honored.

There has been some interest in the issue of how we will handle refunds in the unfortunate event that the State imposes another restriction after we resume operations. Here is our pledge to our members:

  1.  Refunds (minus transaction fees) will be offered to players in the event that health orders related to COVID-19 prevent teams from engaging in on-field training for four or more consecutive weeks. Refunds will be prorated in two weeks increments, based on the number of weeks missed.
  2.  Families will have two options to use their refunds
    1. roll credited fees forward to the spring 2021 season
    2. receive a prorated refund for the amount of time missed.
  3. If conditions for providing refunds are met, refunds will be processed at the end of the fall 2020 season (date varies by age group) and again at the end of the spring 2021 season

AUFC Timbers & Thorns Directors